Join Cardiff & District Law Society, South Wales Resolution & Legal News Wales for this free online event on the Transparency Pilot in Cardiff.
The event is open to anyone in the legal profession, and will offer the chance to hear from family court judges and practitioners about the pilot in Cardiff. Booking is essential.
- The Right Honourable Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division
- HHJ Furness KC, Designated Family Judge
- Lucy Reed, Chair of the Transparency Project & barrister, St John’s Chambers
A welcome address will be delivered by:
- Jenine Abdo, President of Cardiff & District Law Society
- Belinda Moseley, Chair of South Wales Resolution
About the Transparency Pilot
A Transparency Pilot was launched in three cities across England and Wales, including Cardiff, allowing the media and legal bloggers to attend family court hearings in these courts.
Under a pilot scheme introduced by Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division, it will no longer be necessary for a journalist or legal blogger to apply for and be granted leave to report or publish information from a family court hearing at Cardiff, Carlisle or Leeds. The pilot will take place over 12 months.
In these three courts, journalists and bloggers who attend will be able to write about the case, subject to a very strict transparency order that will ensure children are not identified.
You can read the new guidance and template Transparency Order here.
Information about the Transparency Implementation Group is here, with links to the key documents.
Event Format
This event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams by Legal News Wales, in association with Cardiff & District Law Society and South Wales Resolution.
A Teams link will be sent to you upon booking. Please ensure you have typed your email address correctly in the booking form to receive the link.
For registration or event enquiries, please contact the Editor of Legal News Wales, here.
Book here
The event will be hosted on Teams. Please register to receive the link.